Hello families, it is great to be here today for Families Matter: St. Lucie Public School’s Parenting Guide, we are excited to be your hosts. My name is Rebecca Benton. I am a Life Skills Parent Educator with Student Services. Today is a very exciting show, D’Jion is out at a PSLHS to speak with some special guests! We will get over to her in just a moment. Before we get started, I wanted to share the purpose of Families Matter: St. Lucie Public Schools Parenting Guide is to give parents and families information about the resources found within our local community. The resources shared could be in the form of people connected to St. Lucie Public Schools like School Counselors, District Support Personnel or Educators on your child’s campus, or the resources could be found on our SLPS website, and it could be in the form of local community agencies that help your child achieve success. You play a pivotal role in the life of your child/children, and as always, our aim is to support you. Today, our purpose is to give more information about high school graduation.